National Harbor, MD

About the Symposium
The 19th International Symposium on Blood Substitutes (ISBS) in 2024 in National Harbor, Maryland, at the gateway to Washington, DC, will champion a time honored tradition of biannual meetings held alternatively in Asia, North America and Europe, to highlight the advances in the science and development of blood substitutes. The international symposium will be targeted on approved products and those in the pipeline, with new attention to the plasma, clotting, and platelet functions of blood and how to mimic them, so that the survival from trauma and acute hemorrhage, when blood is either unavailable or not an option, will be maximized.
This symposium will foster crucial dialogue between academic scientists and researchers, developers of novel resuscitation and oxygenation/anemia/coagulation strategies, Department of Defense and NIH funding sources, and regulatory agencies, to create successful pathways for development and regulatory approval.
Additionally, the symposium will provide an important venue for novel strategies for alternatives to current allogeneic red cell and component therapy, which may be lifesaving, but entail significant risks for patients; new options may improve outcome while decreasing risks. Critical for basic scientists and researchers, to inventors and developers, to military and civilian trauma and resuscitation experts, to acute severe anemia medicine specialists, and to intensive care and emergency medicine practitioners, this Congress will be pivotal to advance the science of blood substitutes.
The 19th ISBS 2024 is scheduled and plans are well underway for a successful 3.5 day symposium November 14-18, 2024, at the Gaylord National Harbor, a spectacular venue on the Potomac river immediately adjacent to Washington, DC, with views of the Washington Monument and close to three major international airports: Dulles Washington International Airport (IAD), Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA), and Thurgood Marshall Baltimore/Washington International Airport (BWI), sponsored by the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Center for Blood Oxygen Transport and Hemostasis. We also plan opportunity for significant constructive interactions with relevant regulatory and federal sponsoring institutions.
The theme of this exciting symposium will be “Moving Blood Substitutes Forward to Approval Productively” and will expand to include sections on plasma and platelet substitutes/solutions & bio-synthetic hemostatic adjuncts as well as artificial oxygen carriers, hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers and microcirculatory physiology relevant to blood substitute design/evaluation.

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center

Director, Center of Blood Oxygen Transport and Hemostasis
CSO and Founding Partner, KaloCyte

Emeritus Professor of Physiology, Medicine and Biomedical Engineering
Director, Artificial Cells & Organs Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, McGill University, Canada