Submit Abstract

Abstract Submission – Invitation Only

We invite you to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentation at ISBS 2024. The topic areas should be focused on Hemostasis or Oxygen Delivery. Abstracts should be a single page, with any graphs/images within the body of the document. Abstracts will be reviewed by the organizing committee.

Character Count Restrictions – The text portion of your abstract (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion) must be no more than 2500 characters or approximately 250 words in total. This will keep the text of your abstract limited to one page.

Figures and graphs – You may include up to two image files in your abstract with a caption for each. Image files do not count toward character count restrictions. Files must be readable without zooming in or other manipulation or they will not be considered. Acceptable file types include: JPG, PNG, GIF, PDF

Financial Disclosures – Please disclose all financial relationships you have had in the past 24 months with ineligible entities (definition below). For each financial relationship, enter the name of the entity and the nature of the financial relationship. There is no minimum financial threshold; we ask that you disclose all financial relationships, regardless of the amount, with ineligible entities. You should disclose all financial relationships regardless of the potential relevance of each relationship to the education. You do not need to disclose financial relationships of your spouse or partner.

This form does not save or send your work until you hit the “submit” button. Please write your abstract as a word document before copying and pasting it into this form.

"*" indicates required fields

Abstract Subject*
Please select one or both. See data table requirement for abstracts involving HBOCs (bottom of this page). Abstracts missing this table will not be reviewed.
Presentation Preference*
Please select one
Press "Add Author" to include the name and affiliation of each author and indicate if they need to fill out a financial disclosure. If any of the authors need to fill out a disclosure form, it can be found here. Abstracts lacking a completed financial disclosure form for any author identified as needing disclosure, will not be reviewed.
Author Name Author Affiliation Financial Disclosure Needed? Actions
Conference Speaker/Moderator/Panelist*
Please select if you, or any of the authors, is a speaker, moderator, or panelist at ISBS 2024.
Lead Author/Presenter
Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, pdf, Max. file size: 20 MB, Max. files: 2.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


    Encapsulated HBOC table
    1. HBOC class
    2. Product name
    3. Hb type
    4. Shell composition (molecule, mol or mass %)
    5. Payload composition (molecule, mol or mass %)
    6. Particle diameter (nm)
    7. PDI (polydispersity index)
    8. Zeta Potential (mV)
    9. MetHb level (%)
    10. P50 (mmHg)
    11. Cooperativity coefficient
    12. Oxygen dissociation rate constant (1/s)
    13. Auto-oxidation rate constant (1/h)
    14. NO consumption
    15. Outcome
    Unencapsulated HBOC table
    1. HBOC class
    2. Product name
    3. Hb type
    4. Hb purity (mole or mass %)
    5. Non-Hb components (molecule, mass or mol %)
    6. Molecular weight (kDa)
    7. PDI (polydispersity index) or equivalent
    8. Molecular diameter (nm)
    9. MetHb level (%)
    10. P50 (mmHg)
    11. Cooperativity coefficient
    12. Oxygen dissociation rate constant (1/s)
    13. Auto-oxidation rate constant (1/h)
    14. NO consumption
    15. Outcome

    If the above information is partially/not available, it must be so documented in the Table, and explanation of why it is not available discussed in the Table.

    Presented by the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Center for Blood Oxygen Transport and Hemostasis

    Abstract Questions

    Email Address(Required)
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.